Owner: Andrew Walsh (Instagram Page)
Vehicle: Turbocharged E85 Toyota 86
TredWear continues to be the most popular product Boosted Autosports sell across the country. Its market position as the Original & Best Permanent Tyre Lettering solution speaks volumes. The feedback and impressions from customers and the general public who see it only enhance its reputation and quality.
We had the pleasure of chatting to the owner of one of our latest customers, Andrew who ordered TredWear for his very unique Toyota 86. Andrew got the Officially Licenced Toyo Tires Proxes Designer Series Kit in the 1" White Size. We had a quick chat to him to find out what he thinks of TredWear Tyre Lettering.
Boosted Autosports: How long have you had the car for and what modifications have you made to it since you got it?
Andrew: I have been using your tire letters on my car for a few years now. I'm on my 4th set now! I just wanted to say I love these tire letters a lot. TredWear is such a great product and I've always recommended your product to all my friends. To be completely honest, I get questions and comments every week regarding these letters and where I get them from. I happily tell them to head to Boosted Autosports to purchase.
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